Safe festivities for your furry friends

December marks the beginning of festivities, with family events and warm sunny days. It’s also the time of year when vets see a lot of pets with health problems caused from the celebrations.

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The festive season is a time for decorations, family photos, delicious dinners, and parties. Everyone is happy, relaxed, and pleased to be off work until the New Year begins. While Christmas is a fun time of year, it also presents many new hazards for your pets. Read on to discover how to keep your pets happy and healthy these summer holidays.

Family Photos

There’s nothing more adorable than a family photo with everyone in matching outfits – including the cat and dog. However, not every pet will appreciate their new attire. Some animals may fret or become stressed, and warm weather can also make them overheat if left in a costume for extended periods.

If you notice any signs of distress as you’re putting on your pet’s costume, or while they’re wearing it, take the outfit off immediately. Your pet will look equally as adorable in the photo with their natural coat.

Christmas gifts

Everyone deserves a present on Christmas Day, and your pets are no exception. A new toy or treat will allow them to enjoy the festive occasion equally as much as you. But before you load their stocking full of goodies, make sure they’re pet-friendly.

Treats and pet food should abide by the Australian Standard: Manufacturing and Marketing of Pet food. You can also find many safe and natural recipes online for you to make the treats yourself.

If your pet is toy mad, then introduce them to new toys under supervision. To be on the safe side, choose toys from your local vet clinic.


Many people love getting into the true festive spirit with tinsel, baubles, and other Christmas decorations. A curious kitten, puppy, or even a bird, will find these attractive items irresistible to play with! Vets see many pets over the Christmas period that have swallowed tinsel and other Christmas decorations, so make sure these are out of reach of curious critters.


When those puppy eyes stare up at you from under the dinner table, it can be tempting to give them a titbit or two. It’s hard to say no, but it’s in your pet’s best interests to do so. Many Christmas goodies can pose a health risk to your pets, such as raisins, chocolate, garlic, fatty meat, and bones. If you want to treat your pet, give them skinless, boneless white meat with a plain potato and a touch of pure cranberry sauce. They will love the change from standard pet biscuits!

If you pay attention to your pets’ behaviour and be careful with decorations and food, the festive season can be a fun time of year for all, including your pets.

Cristy Houghton